As some of you will be aware, HCC have been working on an MAPB action to ensure there is a 3-way referral pathway for Prevent referrals in Hertfordshire. In partnership with CTP they have been successful in setting this up. This means that Prevent referrals using the updated Prevent National Referral Form 2025 will go to CTP Prevent, the Fixed Intelligence Management Unit and the MASH. HCC are confident that this new referral route will ensure that all those referred in to Prevent who do not meet Prevent threshold will be assessed by the relevant teams and any safeguarding needs / non CT risk will be picked up by the appropriate partners.
There have been a couple of versions of the National Referral Form circulated recently, please can you ensure this most up to date version is sent to all relevant partners and hosted on all relevant platforms within your organisations. It is critical that this 2025 version overrides any previous versions to ensure that this referral pathway is embedded county-wide. Whilst this piece of work has been in progress for a while, it is obviously particularly relevant given the announcements last week.
Any queries about potential referrals should still go to the organisation’s Prevent Lead before a referral is made in line with the NOTICE, CHECK, SHARE process.