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BCP – have you got it all covered?

Your BCP is a live document and should be updated regularly to adapt to the changing needs of the business including any health and safety issues that arise.  Here, in the Business Development team, we have been keeping our eye out for new areas that are...

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Driving in the UK – ensure your staff are compliant

The ability to drive is extremely important for workers in the East of England, especially if they live in a rural area. Public transport is often infrequent and does not match shift starting times, for example. In addition, many overseas nationals can only drive on...

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IMPORTANT! NHSmail Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

if you are using NHSMail but do not have multi-factor authentication (MFA) set up, you will lose access to NHSMail and any associated Microsoft 365 services on 26th March.  This is because NHSE are making MFA mandatory on all accounts to protect the system from...

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Cyber-attacks and ransomware demands – Should you pay up?

The number of Cyber-attacks is increasing across the health and social care sector. Given the highly sensitive nature of data held by adult social care organisations, including financial and medical information, one of the most significant risks they face is...

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