Source: Skills for Care

Skills for Care recently referenced the range of resources they have available that can support a responsible or nominated individual in their role, in areas such as quality assurance and safeguarding in their e-newsletter. Visit the Skills for Care website to make the most of the full list of resources and support they can offer, including; Understanding the Standards and Regulations in the Sector, Meet the Expectations of the CQC, Know Your Responsibilities and the Responsibilities of Others, and many more.

In addition to these Skills for Care resources, you or you staff may also benefit from one of the range of Leadership Courses available from HCPA, many of which are free to members (fully funded by Herts County Council). The courses suit all levels of management, from those new to management positions to senior management, and are focussed on specific topic areas, such as performance management, leading on inspections, and supervising staff, to name a few. Visit our website to view and book upcoming Leadership Courses from HCPA.