Opportunity for you to try before you buy! 

There are volunteers who are looking for paid work in the St. Albans District area. HCPA are working with our local Centre for Voluntary Services to support people who have been volunteering but want to move into paid roles and are interested in social care within the St. Albans area.

Due to the national shortage of staff in adult social care we are looking at a variety of streams to find great staff for you. One of these streams is making use of the large amount of volunteers currently in the community. We are proposing to train volunteers through seven days of knowledge of the Care Certificate over a seven week period, while also volunteering for a provider in between training days.

The volunteer would cover an induction training day and two days of Care Certificate before starting volunteering for two weeks, they would then do a further two days of training, followed up by two weeks of placement, then another two days of training and two week placement.


Near the end we would approach you to see if you would like to take the volunteer on and of course ask them if they would like to work for you. If you do decide to take them on this would be at the low cost of £100.

All training and sourcing of volunteers would be completely Fully Funded of charge and all volunteers will be DBS checked before they start with you.

We are looking for this project to start around the 10th October 2016.

If you are interested in being part of this project and need an extra pair of hands for seven weeks who may turn into a full time employee, please contact us today:

Call: 01707 536020

Email: jobs@hcpa.info