Source: Royal College of Nursing

We all know that the transition of older people from their own home to a Care Home is often emotional and can be stressful for the individual and their loved ones. To help improve this process wherever possible The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has published a clinical professional resource that you can access here.

The guide focuses on how registered nurses working within the community are an excellent resource to draw upon to help ensure the transition is as smooth as possible.

One of the common transitions into a Care Home is following a hospital discharge, so if you aren’t already using HCPA’s Impartial Assessor service please do keep this in mind when you are next due to conduct a patient assessment before they are discharged from hospital to move into your care home.

The Impartial Assessor service is fully funded by HCC, meaning there is no charge to use the service for HCPA members, and you can be confident that the assessment will be conducted impartially by a registered nurse, helping save you time and ensuring you have the right services and facilities available to meet the needs of the individual.

There is an Impartial Assessor based at  Lister Hospital, Princess Alexandra Hospital, and Watford General Hospital. Get in touch with the Impartial Assessor:

Lister Hospital
Monday – Saturday, 8am – 4pm
07833 097 195

Princess Alexandra Hospital
Monday – Friday, 8am – 4pm
07881 225 986

Watford General Hospital
Monday – Friday, 8am – 4pm   

In addition to the fully funded Impartial Assessor service, HCPA also offers the fully funded Care Home Choice Facilitator service to help ensure that once an individual has selected a care home their transition is as smooth as possible, by acting as a single point of contact between the care home and the resident (or their family members) throughout the entire process, including settling in to the Care Home.

You can make it even easier for service users and health and social care professionals to find your available vacancies by advertising your care home and facilities on the fully funded Herts Care Search platform, at no cost to you.