Message issued 21/04/2023

From 1st June 2023 the Weather-Health Alerts (Heat-Health and Cold Weather) will be changing. The alerts will move to improved impact-based alerting, indicating potential health-sector impacts and likelihood of those impacts occurring based on the forecast temperatures. These new impact-based alerts will be issued by UKHSA in partnership with the Met Office. The new alerts will also be underpinned by a new dedicated webpage on and a new registration page where users will be able to specify which region within England they wish to receive alerts for.

ACTION: Users of the current Heat-Health and Cold Weather Alert systems are required to register for this new system to continue to receive the alerts The new system will be operational on the 1st of June 2023. Information about the new system, such as a user guide and a brief summary on the rational for the move to impact-based alerting, will be available in the coming weeks.

Click here to register:

Please ensure that you have registered for the new Heat-Health and Cold-Health Alerts by 31st May 2023 when the current system will cease to operate, and with current subscriber information scheduled for deletion shortly after this date in accordance with GDPR. Please also share this link within your organisation, or with anyone else you think may benefit from this service.

The new alerting service will underpin the new Adverse Weather and Health Plan, which will bring together the existing Heatwave and Cold Weather plans, and their associated advice and guidance for professionals and the public.


UKHSA and Met Office