Members Network Event: Tuesday 31st January 2017

The next Member Network Event takes place on Tuesday 31st January at Letchworth Hall Hotel, and will focus on the challenges and opportunities of 2017. Iain McBeath will speak on behalf of HCC about funding, and we’ll also look at the apprenticeship levy with speakers from HCPA and our partners.

Spaces for the Members Network Event are on a first come, first served basis, so if you would like to attend make sure you book your place now.

Please don’t forget there will be a forum specifically for learning disability services directly following this event from 3pm – 4.30pm. All managers of learning disability services are welcome.

» Book your place now

Mental Capacity Act for Families: Friday 6th January 2017

An event you may want to put on notice boards and share with service user’s family members is the Mental Capacity Act for Families event taking place on Friday 6th January in Central London.

The event is Fully Funded and will be delivered by Aasya Mughal, director of Edge, a company with expertise in mental health and mental capacity law.

The event will provide an overview of the Mental Capacity Act for families and other unpaid carers of those that lack mental capacity. The event will be particularly useful for people who interact with social workers, doctors and other staff that make decisions for their loved ones on a regular basis.  For instance, relatives of those with Dementia or parents of adults with learning disabilities who visit a day centre.

The event will demystify common phrases, such as ‘mental capacity’ and ‘best interests meetings’, and give the tools to know how to challenge any mental capacity assessments and decisions made by social workers if they do not seem right.

The legal framework will be made accessible, clear, and practical by a speaker experienced in talking to family groups.

Please share with any people you think would benefit from this Fully Funded event.

To reserve a place the attendee needs to email their name and contact number to and put ‘MCA Family’ in the subject line.