
What is this campaign all about?

Mencap are launching their biggest ever advertising campaign – Here I Am.

You will not be able to miss this so Watford Mencap want to tell you what it’s all about. You are going to see the campaign on TV, cinema screens, posters, billboards, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…everywhere.

From the sofa of Lorraine to the Houses of Parliament, it’s important that the rallying call Here I Am is heard! 

As a result Watford Mencap will be promoting the campaign through their own preferred social media channels and will be encouraging the people they support to shout loud about their talents, passions and personality. Please do get involved by liking, sharing and commenting.

Links will be included in their posts to the campaign’s website where you will be able to watch a powerful short film featuring a DJ with Down’s syndrome smashing up old preconceptions about learning disability which we will share and retweet on our own platforms. You can also view the stunning images created with renowned photographer Rankin that have been designed to be used on outdoor displays far and wide.

Learning disability has been invisible to the public for too long. Now it’s time to see it.

» Read more about the ‘Here I Am’ Campaign