You can now pre-book champion pathways for the entire year

Following feedback that members really want to make the most of Champion Training, we have decided to open all champion pathways throughout the year for booking now. This means that you do not need to wait until 3 months before the course to start your planning.

There are over ten training days on each pathway (all of which must be attended) and we have been told that we need to give more notice of the pathway dates to enable you to:

  1.   Choose the right person with enthusiasm and passion for the subject
  2.   Allow the person to plan holidays around the training days
  3.   Enable you to plan your rotas in advance

All pathway dates will be visible on the training section of our website from Monday 8th May so you will be able to see all the pathway dates and book well in advance. We hope this helps.

See why people appreciate Champion pathways here.
See the profile of the right choice of champion here