We recently received an announcement from East and North Hertfordshire CCG regarding a change in the Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (NEPTS) provider which is taking place from 4th March 2017. The full announcement is below, please share with members of your organisation as appropriate:
Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (NEPTS)
The current provider of non-emergency patient transport services, Medical Services Limited (MSL), has served notice on their contract. As a result of this, Bedfordshire, Luton, East & North Hertfordshire and Herts Valleys CCGs have awarded a contract for the provision of the service to Private Ambulance Service (PAS). The one-year caretaker contract will run from 4th March 2017 to 31st March 2018 and has been put in place to enable full procurement to be undertaken this year.
The award to PAS ensures there will be no loss of service to patients and users. Each CCG will closely monitor the transition and mobilisation and PAS will be working closely with MSL to ensure a smooth handover. Meetings between PAS and the Acute Trusts will also take place in the coming weeks to assist with the transition.
Full information on transition from the current service and accessing the new service, including the new contact details, will be provided in due course.
If you have any questions regarding the service provision please contact Kellie Wilkinson, Contract Manager, East & North Hertfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group, Email: Kellie.Wilkinson@enhertsccg.nhs.uk