The Safeguarding Board recently shared an email with us from Kevin Hyland OBE, Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, which although aimed at local government staff is a useful resource for all staff who are going into people’s own homes to provide care.

Part of the email includes links to videos which take just 3 minutes to watch and is another useful resource for your care practitioners – please share with your contacts if relevant.

You can read the full email and links to the videos below:

Dear Colleagues,

The introduction of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, and the passing of legislation in Scotland and Northern Ireland to tackle human trafficking and exploitation, is a clear demonstration of the United Kingdom’s commitment to lead on the eradication of Modern Slavery.

My role as the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner was created by virtue of section 40 of the Modern Slavery Act. The Act creates ‘relevant authorities’ who have a duty to cooperate with my office and I, as stipulated by the Secretary of State; your organisation falls within this category of the legislation. I see this as an opportunity for positive engagement to promote best practice and protect those who are at risk of being exploited in situations of modern slavery.

I report annually to parliament on progress and deficiencies made in the fight against slavery, both domestically and internationally. On October 12th 2016, I released my first ever Annual Report, available here.

Modern slavery is a brutal crime affecting thousands in the UK and millions around the world. Victims are in situations of exploitation, controlled by deception, threats and violence. Exploitation can be hidden in plain sight, in car washes, nail bars, fields, factories, brothels and private homes. In your professional capacity, your organisation will encounter victims, and you should therefore ensure you and your staff are equipped to respond accordingly.

To assist, I have developed a short video for local authority staff, in partnership with the South East Strategic Partnerships local authority lead. The video lasts just 3 minutes and informs staff of indicators of modern slavery, signs to look out for and the correct course of action. You can watch the video on my YouTube channel by clicking on the following link:

In addition to the video there are a number of resources available on my website, including legislation, training materials, guidance and information on your duty to notify the Home Office of potential victims. See more here:

My request to you is that you raise awareness in your organisation through promotion of the video and further ensure staff are equipped to identify and respond to this abhorrent abuse of humanity. I am keen to further engage with local authorities to eradicate this abuse from cities, towns and villages across the United Kingdom and beyond, and I look forward to working with you in the coming months.

With best wishes,

Kevin Hyland OBE

To help raise awareness of a duty to notify/reporting requirements for Modern slavery and human trafficking amongst relevant organisations the Hertfordshire Safeguarding Board has created the attached PDFs here 

The duty to notify only applies to local authority partners to report suspected incidences of Modern Slavery.