7th September
9:30am – 3pm
Letchworth Hall Hotel | SG6 3NP
This event has been put together in response to provider’s feedback, and in response to recent events that have taken place in our sector in Hertfordshire that have seen providers fail.
Why it is useful to all providers of Care?
The event will look at possible pitfalls and challenges facing providers of all types in our sector right now. It will enable you to take a critical look at your business and begin to make plans to secure your future. You will come away with useful templates to help you self-assess and plan for contingencies and you will hear about new products designed to give you business advantage.
The agenda for this event has been carefully selected to suit all provider and client types, supporting you to plan for the future and protect your business.
This event will cover:
- Policies
- Categories of failure and risk
- The Care Act and HCC obligations
- The role of the system resilience group
- New business models
- Contingency plans
- Insurance
- Risk Management
- Business interruption
- Staff retention Care Quality Standards
The members’ network meeting is always popular, therefore we will be offering places on a first come first served basis, so please book early. You can book up to two people per site. This event is available to members only, and is Fully Funded of charge (cancellation policy applies).
Note to Providers of Learning Disability Services:
In the hour following this event providers of Learning Disability services will be invited to stay for an informal forum from 3-4pm. This is the first forum replacing other forums that have run informally in the county and will provide information on claiming funding and utilising distance learning and will give LD managers the chance to share views and say what they need in future events. It is really useful for our LD sector members to attend both parts of the day.