Commissioners in the Integrated Accommodation Commissioning Team at HCC have developed a survey and are interested to hear from you in relation to:

  • Developing positive and innovative solutions that enable individuals with complex needs to be discharged from hospital and other secure services; 
  • Delivering personalised, supportive community settings medium-long term, including partnership considerations; 
  • Delivering flexible services that are person centred and support people through different stages of their lives to enable them to live and remain in the community.

Providers are encouraged to offer a response to the questionnaire as part of a market engagement exercise in order to seek the market’s views on the development of a local model of services, the capacity of the market to supply these services, and the level of interest in potential future procurement activity.

The link for the survey is due to be sent out to providers by Friday 17th March 2017. If you are interested in the survey and have not received the link or have any further questions please contact