On Wednesday 8th June we ran the second successful Members Network Event of 2016. Managers, owners and directors of all different service types came together to hear about the latest in health and social care integration in Hertfordshire. They also explored tender and development opportunities currently accessible across the sector. During the event we gave providers the opportunity to feedback the challenges they face around health issues and working with health partners. We then asked them to come up with solution in a bid to win a £10,000 pilot project funding. It’s not too late to get involved!

The plan is to run a series of friendly Dragon’s Den panels, on a quarterly basis, following the theme from each Members Network meeting (this time it’s health and social care integration), to which any HCPA member can bring their innovative ideas. The ‘dragons’ will be representatives from HCPA, HCC and the CCG’s who will decide on whether to back an idea.

One-off funding will be available to those whose initiatives win over the panel – and if the trial is successful this may be carried on permanently. The only criteria will be:

  • The scheme should benefit people or their family carers, either directly or indirectly
  • Projects can be run in partnership and staff should be involved in the trial directly
  • It should positively impact on one of the major social care issues in Hertfordshire and make a cost saving for HCC/CCG
  • It should not cost more than £10,000 for the trial

All you have to do to put your idea forward (ideas for this round will need to focus on resolving any issues related to Health and Social Care integration) is describe your scheme using the summary sheet and send it to alicehandscomb@hcpa.info.

This is your opportunity to shine!! Look out for a specific email on Monday giving you even more detail of how to apply and what to apply for. The email subject will be “Hertfordshire Dragon’s Den”.

» Read the rules
» Submission form

Bright Ideas for June 2016 to be submitted by 22nd June