The Health and Community services Market Position Statements (MPS’s) have recently been refreshed following a period of engagement with a wide range of partners including operational colleagues and providers. The Market Position Statements  set out HCC’s strategic commissioning intentions for the coming financial year – the range of services they will buy on behalf of people with care and support needs and their carers. These documents are written jointly by the County Council and the two Hertfordshire NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), representing a joint vision for the health and social care market.

HCC published their first set of MPSs in April 2015. These documents are a refresh of these commissioning intentions, based on achievements over the past year, feedback and updated information about people’s care and support needs. HCC are proud of the work they have done together with providers and partners and these documents are very much founded in that work.

We benefit from a diverse market in Hertfordshire, ranging from large countywide providers through to smaller local organisations. We also face a range of challenges and pressures. With our population ageing and living longer, more people are in need of support from services, especially services that enable them to live more healthily and independently in their own homes.  At the same time, financial pressures mean HCC must deliver more for less and look for efficiencies across everything they do.

In Hertfordshire, we are proud of the collaborative relationships we have with our providers and partners. We believe in strong partnerships to deliver high quality, innovative, and value for money services that provide positive outcomes. We know that working collaboratively is key to meeting our challenges and building a sustainable market.

» Click here to see full versions of all of the Market Position Statements