An event designed for all Care Providers, no matter what service type, to show the public why it is important to care!

This year, Good Care Week kicks off on Friday 16th June, which is also Care Home Open Day (a perfect way to start your Good Care Week celebrations!) and runs throughout the following week.

It’s a little more than a week this time (9 days to be exact) but all the more time to get some exciting events planned to celebrate Good Care Week this year. Even better, Learning Disabilities Awareness Week is running 19th – 25th June, so what better time for our members who run services for clients with Learning Disabilities to share the amazing activities and events you’re planning on running.

Why get involved in Good Care Week?

Celebrate the vital role you play in the adult care sector
Showcase what you do and advertise your job vacancies
Inspire others to join the adult social care sector

Need some ideas about how to get involved?

Run a Herts Good Care Week event or activities to celebrate your staff and services
– a party, a BBQ, a sports day, put on a show or anything you can think of!

Open your doors
– invite the local community, a local councillor or journalist to see the fantastic work you do

Get social
– share pictures and posts of your Herts Good Care Week activities on social media using #WeCare.
Don’t forget to get consent from people you take photos of before posting them online!

We’ll share more details about how to get involved in the next few weeks so keep your eyes peeled!


Good Care Week is all about telling people what we do in the sector and why we do it. Help us to raise a profile of social care in Hertfordshire.