HCPA can offer the services of a specialist safeguarding consultant to review your safeguarding adults from abuse and/or whistleblowing policies & procedures. This service is available with a discount for HCPA members.
The review will give support and guidance for compliance with all relevant changes in legislation (e.g. for safeguarding this includes but is not limited to: The Care Act introduced in April 2015 and revision to the statutory guidance accompanying that Act issued in March 2016 and for whistleblowing the changes introduced by the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act).
The review support will also reflect CQC recommendations, local contacts where you operate exclusively in Hertfordshire and current best practice. The revised policy/procedure will highlight each proposed recommendation using the track changes tool and provide comments on why each change is recommended. This enables you to understand which changes are required to comply with new laws and which are optional.
This service is offered as support and guidance from an experienced professional but is not an ‘advice’ service, and the policy / procedure still remains the responsibility of the care provider.
To find out more about this service, email services@hcpa.info