CQC on new care models

In 2014 NHS England published the Five year forward view, which sets out a vision for the future of the NHS, and describes a range of new ways of breaking down the traditional divide between primary care, community services and hospitals.

As a result, we are now starting to see new models of care take shape. As part of our commitment to encourage innovation and improvements in care, we have published a ‘statement of intent’, which explains how we are supporting and working with providers as they develop new care models.

David Behan, Chief Executive of the Care Quality Commission (in 2014), said:

“Around the country, providers of health and care services are working together to find new and innovative ways to provide care for people. Barriers between services and providers are being broken down; planning is being done across areas and not in silos. Innovation and change will lead to periods of uncertainty and risk as new structures are adapted and new ways of working are embedded, so it’s also important that we continue to ensure people receive safe, effective and compassionate care.”

As part of the Five year Forward view East and North Hertfordshire is part of the Care Home Vanguard project. As part of this project East and North Herts homes have the opportunity to be part of setting out the vision for the future.

Complex_Care_FrameworkThe Complex Care Framework has been set up to provide Social Care Providers in Hertfordshire the chance to upskill staff teams to enable them to support service users with more complex needs. This training is aimed to be advanced (Tier 3) and aims to use a cascade model so that new practice is continually refreshed. The ‘topic’ areas covered within this framework reflect the needs of the sector and aim to equip social care providers with the knowledge to:

  • Focus on ‘prevention’
  • Maintain abilities
  • Manage complexities
  • Understand how, when and why to refer on (appropriately)

Staff undergoing the programme are reporting huge movements in confidence and morale and feel more equipped to cope with situations that arise with service users. This might mean having:

  • Informed conversations with other professionals
  • Managing an intervention
  • Simply creating a better place to live where both service users and families feel supported

This Framework has been widened out to cover all types of services and to support providers across the spectrum of inspection status from inadequate right through to outstanding and its aspiration is to move services up the ladder by providing targeted support at the right time for the provider.

The ultimate aim is to provide a service with an internal Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) that can link with the wider MDT across both health and social care. This is an integrated project using talents from all areas of health and social care as enablers.

Complex Care Access– Starts September/October 2016

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This programme has been devised to support HPFT and ENHerts CCG in supporting homes who are identified as managing clients living with progressing dementia.

The home will be either identified by HPFT, ENHerts CCG and/or HCC as needing this support or will be self-selecting and will be asked to identify a team of 3 people who are passionate about good dementia support in the home – this group will be made up of 2 senior care staff plus the activities staff.

The manager of the home will be engaged at the beginning and end of the programme via the ‘culture change and scene setting’ training and on-site mentoring – ‘working with the CCP Team’. The remit following the programme will be to cascade learning to all other staff in the home via continual ‘Work Time Learning Sessions’. Each home will have a full evaluation 3 months after completion of the programme (to enable time for changes to be embedded) and will also be evaluated via HCC monitoring processes.

» To view the brochure please click here
» To view the dates for September cohort please click here
» To view the dates for October cohort please click here
» To apply please click here and complete the application

Complex Care Foundation- Starts September 2016

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The pilot of this stage of the programme was identified as ‘required’ by commissioners to enable homes who are wanting to improve their inspection rating and step up into the ‘Premium’ stage of the Framework by commissioners. The home will be either identified by the Local Authority as needing this support or will be self-selecting (choosing to move onto the premium in a stepped process). Homes are to start on this programme in September 2016.

Each home will be asked to identify a team of seven people who are keen to learn and willing/able to pass information onto the wider staff team. The manager of the home will be engaged at on strategy days to enable them to support each champion pathway. The remit following the programme will be to cascade short facilitated sessions onto all other staff in the home via continual short ‘Work Time Learning Sessions’ in all seven areas.

10 homes will be chosen to undertake the fully funded CCF programme and will be equipped to deliver learning in bite sized sessions – ‘work time learning sessions’ developing one champion in each subject area –

  • Dementia
  • Nutrition
  • Falls
  • Wound
  • Health
  • End of Life
  • Engagement

» To view the brochure please click here
» To view the dates for September cohort please click here
» To apply please click here and complete the application