Following consultation earlier this year, Care Quality Commission (CQC) have published an updated version of their code of practice on confidential personal information. The code of practice explains how CQC sometimes need to use their statutory powers to look at people’s information during inspections and provides assurance that the information will be handled safely.

Purpose of the Code of Practice

This code establishes the practices that the CQC will follow to obtain, handle, use and disclose confidential personal information.

We intend the Code to be used in two main ways:

  • By CQC staff, as a guide to help them make decisions about confidential personal information. All CQC staff are required to comply with this Code and receive guidance and training to help them with this.
  • By other interested parties, such as people who use services, carers, the public, providers of health and social care, and other regulatory bodies, to understand how the CQC use their confidential personal information. The Code will also reassure people when the CQC are requesting information or using their powers to obtain information, and provide a point of reference against which their practice can be judged.