It has been a busy year for the department, not only with all the projects but also a structural and leadership change halfway through. I want to say thank you to everyone across the department and the other teams that support us for all the ongoing hard work, every single person makes a difference and I am thankful for your support, especially when I have been stuck at home for the last two months with my broken wrist, which is all better now ????.

We have achieved some brilliant impact over this year and below is a snapshot from some projects and services- Well Done all!

Education Delivery

In total we have trained 4709 delegates. Breakdown.

  • Open courses and qualification- 3004
  • Information webinars- 620
  • On site targeted support Falls- 1085

Impact Feedback- “Being on the course has given me the confidence to challenge or question practices from careers or parents of vulnerable adults in a professional and supportive manner.

The knowledge I gained was passed down to my team, they are empowered to ask more questions and challenge bad practice. They are enabled to deal with facts and not make assumptions. They are able to confidently discuss concerns and proffer solution. They are showing more willingness to engage and provide quality and person-centred care. This is applied on a daily basis whilst at work as the need arises. However there is always need to learn and develop more. There is more of reflective practice within the team. This is helping in seeing what we done well and how we can improve. it is also a platform of sharing good practices, challenges and ways to improve within the team  Having different opinion within safeguarding practice was one of the cases. I came to realize that having different professional views about certain things is a sign of healthy and well-functioning partnership as long as they are resolved by discussion and negotiation between the parties involved.  Yes. Thinking outside the box, considering the client holistically, applying critical evaluation to any information I receive and maintaining open mind.   Yes. My team are taking ownership of their role and responsibility, they are always wanting to do more. Asking questions when needed whilst maintaining the objective.   I feel empowered to ask more questions without feeling bad”.


Stop Falls

  1. 1- 57% average decrease in Falls across the providers supported
  2. 2- 78% average increase in post knowledge
  3. 3- 1427 Staff trained across all topics


Impartial Assessor Service

  • 95% of care homes said they would continue to use the IA service
  • 64% of care home respondents stated that the IA service saved them money
  • 71% of respondents said quality of paperwork returned by the IA was good


Impact Feedback- “We would not have been able to have residents that were in hospital assessed in such detail. And also, its helped us to have safe admissions. And i would not want to see this service discontinued as a manager, it’s not always possible under normal circumstances to assess someone immediately due to commitments, so i feel the service provides a very prompt, efficient in residents that are ready for discharge and not having to block the beds in hospitals.

Thank you for all your support. Much appreciated .Great service to have.”


Data Protection and Security Toolkit

  • 18 awareness raising webinars were held (target was 7)
  • 138 One to one support meetings were held, where the team supported Registered Care Providers to complete and publish DSPT (target was 124)
  • 56 additional activities to promote the project were undertaken, including meetings, events, social media posts, e-newsletters (target was 28)
  • 243 Information Sessions (webinars) were planned, marketed, and hosted (target was 36)
  • Direct phone and email support service was provided for 370 hours (target was 370 hours)

At the end of the initial delivery year 57.1% of all registered care providers in Hertfordshire had either published DSPT or had published in the previous year (and still compliant) – This figure is made from 28.2% of Homecare and 83.1% Residential services


So what’s coming up over the next year?

We have lots of projects continuing and we have some new ones. Please find list of all projects and there leads below. If you want to learn more please speak to me or the project leads.


ProjectEnd DateProject Manager/ Coordinator
Impartial Assessor31/03/23Sam
DSPT Local31/03/23Peter B
DSPT regional31/03/23Peter B
DSPT Accelerator31/03/23Peter B
Approved Training Providers31/03/23Leigh-Ann
Level 4 and 531/03/23Leigh-Ann
Level 2 and 331/03/23TBC
Career PathwayTBCLeah/Maisy
Provider Hub31/03/23Peter B
Internal SQIGTBCPeter B
ICS Frailty Education31/03/23Maisy
C2SU30/04/23Peter W
Essential Skills- M&H30/06/22Maisy
Essential Skills- Care Certificate30/06/22Peter W
IPC Lead31/10/22Jess
M&H TTT31/03/23Michelle
Enhanced Roles31/03/23Maisy
First Aid at Work31/03/23Joanna
Mental Health31/03/23Joanna
PA’s30/11/22Peter W
Posture Friends30/09/22Verity