If there is CCTV installed, the Care/Nursing home must gain consent from their residents.

If a person is unable to consent to the CCTV/Surveillance, then a mental capacity assessment and best interests’ decision needs to be completed and evidenced for each person this applies to and kept on their record/file.

There must also be visible signage stating that CCTV/Surveillance is in operation.

The Information Commissioners Office (ICO) exists to empower you through information and their guidance link is below.

CCTV and video surveillance | ICO

Under the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards you must always have in mind that any restrictions in place should always be necessary and proportionate, and you must always evidence and justify any actions taken in relation to this.

A short guide: guide_human-rights-use-of-cameras-recording-equipment-in-health-care.pdf (bihr.org.uk)

Easy read guide to Cameras in health and Social Care and Human Rights:

guide_your-guide-to-cameras-in-health-care-human-rights_easy-read.pdf (bihr.org.uk)