Source: Hertfordshire Safeguarding Adults Boards (HSAB)


Please circulate to all your staff- especially front line practitioners

Below is a link to an online questionnaire relating to the Spring Learning Hubs on Transitional Safeguarding, which starts this week.  


To help Hertfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board (HSAB) with their evaluation, it would be appreciated if you could complete the questionnaire, which will give them a better understanding of what services/resources are available for young people transitioning from childhood to adulthood.  

It will also give HSAB an understanding of what is working well and what the barriers are.  

» Click here to complete the questionnaire


This questionnaire is open to all front line practitioners, regardless if you are attending a Learning Hub or not; the more responses we receive, the better their understanding will be. 

If you wish to book onto HSAB’s Multi-Agency Safeguarding Adults Awareness training, there are still places left on the sessions, click below:

» Click here to book onto HSAB’s training sessions