Money concerns can affect mental and physical health. HCC have put together some resources offering advice and practical help to manage finances and make savings, whilst helping the environment. Click here to see them.


Loan sharks – don’t get caught out!

Some struggling families have fallen prey to illegal loan sharks who offer quick cash loans, but at punitive interest rates. Consequently, the debt quickly spirals out of control. The England Illegal Money Lending Team (IMLT) investigate and prosecute illegal money lenders and provide support for borrowers in the UK. If you are worried, visit Stop Loan Sharks here to see how they can help and support you.


Credit Unions

Credit Unions are not-for-profit savings and loan schemes. There are 6 credit Unions in Hertfordshire, click here to see them.


Support is here for you

If you are a Hertfordshire parent worried about school uniform costs, or any other cost of living issues, you can get in touch with HertsHelp, where trained friendly advisers are on hand to offer confidential assistance and can put you in touch with helpful services and support locally.

Call HertsHelp on 0300 123 4044 or e-mail or visit their website by clicking here.


Energy help

Did you know you can see how your actual annual energy consumption compares to the average home in your area? Click here to use the energy calculator which includes a gas and electricity cost calculator.