Source: Learning Disability Co-production Board (LDCB)


The new Learning Disability Co-production Board (LDCB) would like to hear from you by completing a very short questionnaire.  The LDCB wants to gather feedback on what is most important to people with learning disabilities and why. This will help the new board members plan what they will work on together for the next year.


The closing date for responses is Sunday, the 8th of March. 


This questionnaire will be circulated widely.  The LDCB would like feedback from people with learning disabilities, their families, carers, people working within services both paid staff and volunteers, organisations etc. 


Please complete this yourself and share this with your networks and anyone you know with learning disabilities and their families. 


» Click here to complete the survey


If you are able to support people that need assistance to fill this in, please do so.  If you or someone you know would like to complete this but does not have the support they need to complete it, please get in touch with Kim Honeyball of Hertfordshire County Council’s Adult Care Services.