Additional free training dates for on-going ulcer prevention work in Hertfordshire


Carers training course
The ‘React to Red Skin: Stopping Pressure Ulcers’ training course for care staff lasts for 90 minutes and will take place at 10.30am, 12.30pm and 2.30pm on the following dates:

    • Tuesday 19th March at Quantum Care, Silver Court, Welwyn Garden City
    • Tuesday 9th April at Water Mill House, Rose Lane, Hemel Hempstead, HP3 9TE
    • Thursday 9th May at Water Mill House, Rose Lane, Hemel Hempstead, HP3 9TE


To book places, you will need to submit the names of the people who wish to attend (up to a maximum of 5 per organisation per session) and which time and date they will be attending. As places are limited, please do not book sessions unless you can guarantee that your staff will attend. You can book your place by emailing


Train the Trainer courses
There are also four courses for senior staff members or managers to be trained in how to deliver the programme. These courses take 3 hours and will be held at 9.30am and 1pm on the following dates:

      • Wednesday 24th April at Quantum Care, Silver Court, Welwyn Garden City
      • Thursday 16th May at Water Mill House, Rose Lane, Hemel Hempstead, HP3 9TE


To book these courses, please specify your preferred date and whether you would like a morning or afternoon course. There are limited places available for each day and you can book your place by emailing