Herts County Council (HCC) are sharing their new draft Local Transport Plan, which will be used to shape the long term development of Hertfordshire’s transport system. The draft plans are detailed below and they are seeking feedback from members of the public. Read on for more details from HCC:

By 2031 there will be 175,000 more people living in Hertfordshire using the transport system.

The plan sets out how transport can help deliver a positive future vision of Hertfordshire. As well as providing for safe and efficient travel, transport has a major input into wider policies such as economic  growth, meeting housing needs, improving public health and reducing environmental damage.

Our health, local environments and urban centres will be vastly improved if we can get more people to walk, cycle and use passenger transport.

This plan accelerates the transition from a previous transport strategy that was largely car based to a more balanced approach which caters for all forms of transport and seeks to encourage a switch from the private car to sustainable transport wherever possible. The Local Transport Plan sets out the objectives, policies, and key schemes that will achieve this switch.

Hertfordshire County Council would like to hear your views on the new draft Local Transport Plan. To assist you in consulting on the draft Local Transport Plan, and giving your feedback on it, we have set up a consultation page accompanied by a small number of questions.

The full strategy and online survey can be found by visiting:

The consultation is open until 23rd January 2018. Click on the link above to share your feedback about the plans before the 23rd January 2018 deadline!

If you have any queries on this consultation, or require any of the materials in an alternative format or language, please contact the Transport Policy and Growth Team (Email: LTP@hertfordshire.gov.uk or call  0300 123 4040).