HCC have recently shared the most common questions about PAMMS and the answers to those questions, which may be useful to our members. Please see below for the full list of questions and answers provided by HCC, and download the guidance document for more information.


What is it?

PAMMS stands for “Provider Assessment & Market Management Solution” and it is an online tool which manages the monitoring process. This application was developed by ADASS to replace the EoE workbook.


What is the purpose of having a new tool?

PAMMS was designed to be more user friendly for users (monitoring officers, managers, providers). It supports the collation and analysis of the data gathered both for the Partnership as well as providers.


What are the benefits?

  • Standardised and consistent approach to quality auditing across the Eastern Region
  • Providers and the monitoring team will work more closely to achieve better outcomes for residents of Hertfordshire.
  • An interactive action plan process between HCC and providers
  • More opportunity for providers to feedback before report is finalised
  • Objective assessment to support providers in establishing what is working really well and what areas may require improvement
  • May help identify where HCC and partners can provide additional support to providers through direct interventions such as Workforce Development, Medicines Management and MCA/DoLS’ workshops, leadership training, etc.
  • Can lead to improve CQC ratings.


How will monitoring be different using PAMMS system?

The monitoring process remain largely the same but will now have more focused and service specific questions and, will be using a much more interactive and user-friendly system.


How can providers get to know PAMMS systems?

PAMMS was first presented to providers during the HCPA network meeting in February.  Since then, several inductions days have been organised each month. HCC will continue organising induction dates throughout the year. If you would like to find out when is the next, please send us an email to ACSCommissioning.Support@hertfordshire.gov.uk

In addition, HCC will send in advance to the induction date or monitoring visit the “PAMMS guidance for providers” and a list of questions included in PAMMS.


When providers’ managers will have access to PAMMS application?

Once you have received the visit from one of our monitoring officers and have assessed your services using PAMMS application, you will receive an email with a link to your first report. You will be asked to log in and create a password. From then, you will have access to the system. During induction days, providers will also have access to mock assessments to get familiar with the tool.


Why I am having logging in issues (if any)?

If you are experiencing difficulties to log in, please:

  • Check your version of Internet Explorer (IE 10+), or if possible download and use Google Chrome
  • Check you have enable cookies & JavaScript
  • Use the document entitled “PAMMS guidance for providers” which will be sent to you before the induction meeting.


I am not getting the emails from PAMMS, what should I do?

  • Check if it is in your junk folder
  • Check if it is blocked by your IT team

If you have further questions please contact your monitoring officer or Adult Care Service Commissioning Support teamACSCommissioning.Support@hertfordshire.gov.uk

ACS will continue to work with providers in Herts to ensure feedback about PAMMS is passed on to the relevant people leading its development. There is no specific formal forum currently, but this may change in the future.