There has been a website developed for people with learning disability (and carers) to access to ‘help with their health’.

This website can be accessed using the link or alternatively by scanning the QR code at the bottom of this newsletter using a smart device.

The website currently includes:

  • Easy-read Leaflets regarding Community Learning Disability Nursing, Health Liaison Team and Specialist Epilepsy Nurses (Useful for when discussing a possible referral with someone).
  • Information regarding Annual Health Checks with printable documents: Carers Preparation Tool, Easy Read Checklist.
  • Information regarding Purple Folders with printable easy-read information. It provides contact details to get a purple folder and extra pages.
  • A list of Purple Star Services in Hertfordshire. (The Purple Star a quality kite mark and is offered to all health providers who are willing to review their service, to undertake training and improvements to provide a reasonably adjusted, equitable service for people with a Learning Disability).
  • ‘How to Stay Healthy’ is a section that has printable easy read health information: Breast monitoring, Testicle monitoring and Constipation Monitoring.


The website is being updated regularly with new information.