Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) are currently working on a campaign to help older people and vulnerable adults to combat loneliness in the winter months, particularly over Christmas.

To help the campaign be a success, they will need your help!

A main element of the activity is a social media advent calendar that will share hints, tips, useful information and advice each day throughout December, and they will also be signposting people to HertsHelp as a central resource, but where they need your help is:

  • Are you running any specific events/clubs across the county in December that other people could attend?
  • Do you have photos of Christmas/Winter events that you are happy for HCC to share online to help promote the campaign?
  • Did you invite vulnerable adults to a Christmas/Winter club or activity last year that would be happy to say how it helped them?
  • Do you have volunteers who helped run activities/clubs last Winter who would be happy to share a story about why they did it and their experience?

If you answered yes to any of the above, please get in touch with Shivaunne.Booth@hertfordshire.gov.uk who will be very happy to hear from you!