A Quick Guide to Person-Centred Future Planning

Source: NICE

As people change and grow older, it is important to plan for their future and a person-centred future plan will reflect their changing needs. The NICE quick guide (Linked below) sets out why it is important to support people to plan for their future and will guide practitioners to focus on a number of key principles in the planning process. The quick guide will help to make future planning more consistent for people and improve the quality of plans produced. It will also help to ensure the right support is in place for the person, keeping them fully involved so they can continue to lead a valued and fulfilled life as they grow older.

Aimed at practitioners supporting people growing older with learning disabilities, this quick guide takes strengths and skills-based approach to person-centred future planning. Furthermore, the quick guide explains the process of designing a future plan, and how the future plan can support people with learning disabilities to live healthier and more fulfilled lives for longer.

»To read the quick guide, please click here