Hosted four times a year in March, June, September, and December

HCPA runs the Adult Disability Support Forum (previously known as Learning Disability Support Forum) quarterly following the Members Network events. These are a great opportunity for all Adult Disability providers within Hertfordshire to gain the latest updates, talk to local commissioners and health support services, and discuss local concerns. We urge all local providers to attend future Adult Disability Support Forums and let us know if you have any suggestions for future forum topics. 

Thank you to those who attended the Adult Disability Support Forum on the 5th June, 2019.

» Click here for the 5th of June Adult Disability Support Forum slides


Below, you will find a summary of the four areas Ruth Harrington- Head of Community Commissioning Adult Disabilities- discussed at the Adult Disability Support Forum at the June Adult Disability Support Forum:

  1. Supported Living Framework:

Received a really good response, still on track for 1st September, 2019 ‘go live’; providers will find out by the end of July if they were successful and there will be ‘portal’ training for referrals provided during August.


  1. Accommodation:

As the above Framework is only for care, we still need other mechanisms to bring property online for people with disabilities. Lots of work is going on in this area, including lobbying for adapted premises in new developments, but we also want to encourage ‘private’ organisations to invest. We also encourage them to speak to us before they do.


  1. Residential:

Our strategy is to reduce residential beds over the next few years but we are keen to do this in a planned way. One of the issues we are aware of is the Fire Issues raised by Grenfell and we are working with the fire service to provide support to organisations. If you want to think differently about your services in the future (eg. de-registration) to Supported Living or switching to nursing, please talk to us.


  1. Community Opportunities:

This is the new language for day services. There are several events going on to talk to providers about our vision for the future in this area.

Please attend them as there is likely to be a tender (Framework) within the next year.