Sharing a spotlight on Templates and Toolkits

There are many toolkits and templates available to purchase for the care sector as aids to Care Management. We have heard people say the template does not matter or they can feel very prescriptive however, templates and toolkits can be excellent as a framework and...

Beware of fake inspectors!

One Hertfordshire service recently had a call from a bogus inspector last night claiming 5 inspectors were on their way in 90 minutes following 2 WB reports. The call was made at 11.45pm from someone called Lisa Williams claiming to be an inspector. An inspection...

Strategic Law partner Ridouts look at inspection Triggers

          This informative article from our strategic law partner, Ridouts, gives a flavour of what to expect from CQC. Over the last year CQC has continued to inspect predominantly only where there were serious risks to people’s safety, a...