Adult social care (ASC) data enforcement commenced 1 April 2023

ASC providers who fail to submit their data through the Capacity Tracker each month could be issued with a financial penalty by the NHS Business Services Authority. There is guidance on how to comply with the information provisions in the Health and Care Act 2022 and...

Changes to the Capacity Tracker

What’s New: All Users – Password Security Changes to the Capacity Tracker password criteria are now being rolled out.. This will be in a phased approach, region by region, over the next 6-9 months starting from the evening of 17th April. A reminder of the...

NHS Capacity Tracker Update

All CQC regulated services are now required by the Department of Health and Social Care to update the NHS Capacity Tracker system.  Please ensure your service updates regularly to avoid potential fines. This data is vital and will provide the local authority as well...