Data Privacy Day 2024

January 28th 2024 is Data Privacy Day which reminds us that we must ensure personal data is processed with confidentiality & care. The DSP Toolkit is now the social care sector’s accepted best practice method for care providers to evidence their data protection...

FREE DSPT workshop in Stevenage – 31st January

Free workshop in Stevenage: Get ready for CQC and ensure legal compliance by completing your Data Security and Protection Toolkit We are holding a workshop in Stevenage to help you become legally compliant with GDPR, manage your risks from cyber-attacks, gain free NHS...

Data Protection in Care

Congratulations to all care providers who successfully published their Data Security and Protection Toolkits (DSPT) for 2022/23. This is a reminder that, since 30 June 2023, the DSPT for 2021/22 cannot be used as evidence of current arrangements. If you have finished...

Data Security and Protection

HCPA are the regional coordinators for Better Security Better Care, a fully-funded national task force who exist to support care providers manage data protection, information governance and cyber risks.  We help care providers understand data protection by supporting...

A data protection success story!

A Hertfordshire Care Provider expressed interest in Digital Transformation funding, but they had not published their Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) for each of their offices, which is a requirement for the funding. With the help of the HCPA Data and...