You care for your clients and your staff …but are you taking care of their personal information?

Are you sure you are legally compliant?

We can help (and our help is free)

As a part of the National Better Security Better Care programme, HCPA is now supporting registered care providers to meet required legal requirements for Data Protection standards.

The Data Security Protection Toolkit (DSPT) is an online data protection assessment. Completing the DSPT ensures you are compliant with Data Protection laws, mitigates risks from any nasty data breach fines and is required by Local Authorities, CQC, other contracting bodies.

This service is provided at no cost to the Provider. HCPA will provide virtual/face-to-face information workshops and follow these up with one-on-one support surgeries, where we will work with Providers to complete and publish DSPT.


  • Ensures you are operating within the law – This may prevent any nasty GDPR fines
  • Meeting CQC regulations, as toolkit linked with KLOEs
  • Key to access NHS systems and data– Requirement for NHS/ Secure Mail, Online Proxy medications ordering, System One, iPad, hospital discharge information
  • READ this case study showing the benefits of Online Proxy medications ordering
UPDATE – September 2021
  • Read the recent case study: “The DSPT is not a theoretical model, the principles of the DSPT need to be applied daily to ensure data is secure.”
  • As a response to Covid and Cyber Security risks, the DSPT now part of Government’s Digital Transformation Plan : Click here
  • Publishing the Toolkit is now to be included as a requirement for commissioned services, written into contracts.
  • Publishing the Toolkit is a CQC expectation, and provides some answers to KLOEs – See the latest statement here: Click here

What others have said about our free, friendly and helpful support:

“You explained everything… I enjoyed your friendly approach. I was dreading the registration and had no idea where to start. You made it so nice & easy and helped me enormously… I regret not calling you earlier as that would have saved me lots of worries.” 

“Knowledgeable, professional and ever so efficient. We appreciate all the help and support. You have helped us complete our DSPT.”

“The sessions we had on the Data Security and Protection Toolkit were very informative and have helped in answering the questions, also given us the tools we need to have in place. Presentation was very good and easy to understand (love the examples given).Thank you once again and if I need any support will definitely be contacting you.”

“I completed the Data Security Protection Toolkit today!  We have used all the templates to create and update our policies. I wanted to thank you for your assistance at the beginning of this task… knowing you were there at the end of the phone helped.”

Get in touch with the team: / 01707 70 80 18