Mental wellbeing in over 65s: occupational therapy and physical activity interventions

This guideline covers promoting mental wellbeing in people aged over 65. It focuses on practical support for everyday activities, based on occupational therapy principles and methods. This includes working with older people and their carers to agree what kind of support they need. Click here

Intergenerational Practice

Intergenerational practice aims to bring people together in purposeful, mutually beneficial activities which promote greater understanding and respect between generations and contributes to building more cohesive communities. Intergenerational practice is inclusive, building on the positive resources that the young and old have to offer each other and those around them.

» Download HCPA Inter-generational Activity Guide
» Download Risk Assessment Template
» Download Service Level Agreement


For individuals you support
For staff
  • Visit Event Bright to access free classes and courses in exercise, therapeutic activities and more – great to relax and take some self care time.
  • Online LGBT+ Group: Hertfordshire LGBTQ + Health and Wellbeing CIC & Herts Pride are excited to be supporting a new weekly online Zoom meeting group in partnership with Hertfordshire Mind Network. These groups have a mix of wellbeing and social support meetings. If you would like to attend this group, please e-mail 
  • North Hertfordshire has a diverse range of part-time courses if you are interested in developing your skills or to pursue a hobby. Click here for more information.
  • Take a look at the mental health toolkit here to access tools to help you with your mental health at work.
  • Use our Staff Wellbeing resource page to gain ideas to support your staff to feel happy, healthy and more comfortable in their roles. Click here to view. 


Activity ideas from HCPA

Bird Watching [PDF] Click here
Book Club [PDF] Click here
Make a Teacup Bird Feeder [PDF] Click here
Photography Competition [PDF] Click here
Pinecone Hedgehog making [PDF] Click here
Pressing Spring Flowers [PDF] Click here
Spring Watch [PDF] Click here
Virtual Quiz [PDF] Click here
Wildlife Watch [PDF] Click here
Time Capsule [PDF] Click here
Social Distance Tea Dance [PDF] Click here


Easy Read Activity Resources

Healthier You

  • Looking after your mental health
  • Nutrition
  • Eat Well
  • Exercise and stay healthy

Digital Skills

  • Cleaning your computer
  • Staying Connected
  • Staying Safe
  • Word Processing
  • Get To Know Your Computer
If you are interested in receiving any of these resources, please fill out this form.