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Mini competition: Learning & Development Education


Hertfordshire Care Providers Association (HCPA) are seeking to source high-quality specialist education to fill skills gaps identified within the Hertfordshire Adult Social Care workforce.

HCPA is holding a mini competition, open to all HCPA 2024/25 Approved External Training Providers and Assured Partners to support the delivery of Learning & Development education to Care professionals in Hertfordshire.

The mini competition is separated into the following lots:

Lot 1: End of Life

Lot 2: Skin Health & Tissue Viability

Lot 3: Catheter & Stoma care

Lot 4: UTI & Hydration

Lot 5: Nutrition

Lot 6: Dementia

Lot 7: Health & Safety

Lot 8: Diabetes

Lot 9: Neurological conditions

Lot 10: Record keeping & writing accurate reports

Lot 11: Basic Health Observation and Deterioration

Applicants can apply for multiple lots.

HCPA will evaluate applications and determine which proposals best suit our sector at the current time. Decisions will be made based on the quality of proposals and price.

Please note multiple providers may be chosen within each lot to deliver different aspects of the training depending on skills and experience displayed within proposals. These providers would be expected to work together.

 The elements we will be looking at are:

  • Course descriptions and learning outcomes.
  • Overall fit within the programme design
  • Clear and strong level of knowledge/experience/subject qualifications in the proposed trainer(s).
  • How far it links with other linked policies and initiatives in Hertfordshire.
  • Overall value for money
  • Good understanding of the needs of the sector

Use this document to understand the aim of the project and the requirements of delivery for any training providers applying.

Delivery requirements

Below is a summary of the training products required as a minimum.

Times for training sessions will be 10:00-16:00 (full-day) and either 10:00-13:00 or 13:00-16:00 (half-day sessions via Zoom). Trainers will be expected to train up to 24 delegates per session.

Lot 1: End of Life:

  • Advance Care Planning for Residential and Nursing Homes

Seeking 3 one-day sessions to be delivered at HCPA Mundells Campus/ Training Provider site between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • what is included as part of advance care planning
  • importance of treatment escalation planning
  • different documentation DNACPR, RESPECT, PEACE
  • importance of person-centred advance care planning
  • wishes and preferences of individuals
  • tools available to use and support as indicators to last year of life
  • how to start the conversations when people have cognitive impairment


  • Communication for Residential and Nursing Homes

Seeking 3 one-day sessions to be delivered at HCPA Mundells Campus/ Training Provider site between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • Communication Dynamics
  • Barriers and blocks to communication
  • Empathy and Active Listening Skills
  • Difficult Conversations
  • Cultural and Ethical Considerations
  • Recognising Pain
  • Bereavement Support for staff


  • Advance Care Planning for Homecare and Supported Living

Seeking 3 one-day sessions to be delivered at HCPA Mundells Campus/ Training Provider site between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • what is included as part of advance care planning
  • importance of treatment escalation planning
  • understanding different documentation DNACPR, RESPECT, PEACE
  • importance of person-centred advance care planning
  • wishes and preferences of individuals
  • tools available to use and support as indicators to last year of life
  • how to start the conversations when people have cognitive impairment


  • Communication for Homecare and Supported Living

Seeking 3 one-day sessions to be delivered at HCPA Mundells Campus/ Training Provider site between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • Communication Dynamics
  • Barriers and blocks to communication
  • Empathy and Active Listening Skills
  • Difficult Conversations
  • Recognising pain
  • Cultural and Ethical Considerations
  • Bereavement support for staff


  • Manager Responsibilities/ Governance

Seeking 2 half-day sessions to be delivered via Zoom between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • Legal and Ethical Frameworks
  • Policies and Procedures
  • Quality and Safety Standards
  • Facilitating Advance Care Planning including documentation and records
  • Promoting Interdisciplinary Collaboration
  • Staff Support including bereavement


Lot 2: Skin Health & Tissue Viability

  • Pressure Ulcer Prevention

Seeking 4 one-day sessions to be delivered at HCPA Mundells Campus/ Training Provider site between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • The physiology of pressure ulcer development
  • Identification of vulnerable patients
  • The importance of Skin inspection in the at-risk patient for signs of pressure damage
  • The Identification of pressure damage
  • Why it is important to keep patients moving
  • The importance in use of equipment to prevent pressure damage
  • The identification and knowledge of the difference between a moisture lesion and a pressure ulcer
  • Strategies for prevention of moisture lesions
  • The principles of treatment for moisture associated skin damage
  • The importance of nutrition in pressure ulcer prevention


  • Wound Care

Seeking 4 one-day sessions to be delivered at HCPA Mundells Campus/ Training Provider site between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • Anatomy and physiology of the skin
  • Physiology of wound healing
  • Holistic wound assessment
  • Wound products formulary


  • Wound Healing

Seeking 2 half-day sessions to be delivered at HCPA Mundells Campus/ Training Provider site between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • Gain skills in emergency situations
  • Gain a basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the skin
  • Develop an understanding of the changes that take place in ageing skin
  • Develop a basic knowledge of wound healing
  • Gain knowledge of different types of wounds
  • Develop an understanding of factors that may affect wound healing
  • Apply knowledge of nutrition and hydration to improve wound healing
  • Know how to safely clean a wound
  • Know what to do if a dressing falls off before community nurses can visit


  • Skin Care and Incontinence

Seeking 2 half-day sessions to be delivered at HCPA Mundells Campus/ Training Provider site between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • identify different types of incontinence
  • signs of Incontinence Associated Dermatitis (IAD)
  • using continence aids appropriately to prevent IAD
  • appropriate skin care to prevent IAD


  • Skin Care Manager Responsibilities/ Governance

Seeking 2 half-day sessions to be delivered via Zoom between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • Regulatory Frameworks
  • Policies and Procedures
  • Quality Improvement Processes
  • Staff Training and Competency
  • Promoting Interdisciplinary Collaboration


Lot 3: Catheter & Stoma care

  • Catheter & Stoma care Management Awareness for Care Staff

Seeking 2 one-day sessions to be delivered at HCPA Mundells Campus/ Training Provider site between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • Anatomy and physiology
  • Catheterisation techniques
  • Managing stoma care
  • Preventing complications
  • Promoting empowerment
  • Roles and responsibilities including when to seek support.


Lot 4: UTI & Hydration

  • UTI & Hydration Prevention & Management for Care Staff

Seeking 2 half-day sessions to be delivered via Zoom between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • UTI Pathophysiology
  • Signs and Symptoms of dehydration and UTIs
  • Prevention Strategies
  • Assessing Hydration Status against best practice
  • Promoting Hydration Practice and methods to increase hydration


Lot 5: Nutrition:

  • Nutrition & Healthy eating in Older People Residential and Nursing Homes

Seeking 3 one-day sessions to be delivered at HCPA Mundells Campus/ Training Provider site between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • Principles of a balanced diet in older age
  • Importance of special dietary requirements including dysphasia
  • How to plan and promote a balanced diet
  • How to prevent and manage malnutrition
  • The need to screen and monitor nutrition (MUST)
  • Monitoring hydration how and when appropriate
  • Adapting based on culture, palliative care, oral health and dementia
  • Importance of good nutrition to wound prevention and management
  • Following local management pathways


Nutrition & Healthy eating in Older People Homecare

Seeking 3 one-day sessions to be delivered at HCPA Mundells Campus/ Training Provider site between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • Principles of a balanced diet in older age
  • Importance of special dietary requirements including dysphasia
  • How to plan and promote a balanced diet
  • How to prevent and manage malnutrition
  • The need to screen and monitor nutrition (MUST)
  • Monitoring hydration how and when appropriate
  • Adapting based on culture, palliative care and dementia
  • Working with families/ relatives and local support services such as Meal on Wheels.


  • Nutrition & Learning Disabilities

Seeking 3 one-day sessions to be delivered at HCPA Mundells Campus/ Training Provider site between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • Relationship Between Nutrition and Learning Disabilities
  • Nutritional Needs of Individuals with Learning Disabilities
  • Nutritional Health and Well-being
  • Special Dietary Considerations
  • Strategies to promote personalised nutritional care


Lot 6: Dementia

  • Dementia Awareness

Seeking 4 one-day sessions to be delivered at HCPA Mundells Campus/ Training Provider site between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • Understand what dementia is, different types and prevalence rates
  • Signs and Symptoms including key functions of the brain that are affected by dementia
  • Person-centred dementia Care
  • Communication
  • Individual’s experience of dementia
  • risk factors for the most common causes of dementia
  • other factors which can cause confusion / memory problems


  • Dementia Communication

Seeking 4 one-day sessions to be delivered at HCPA Mundells Campus/ Training Provider site between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • impact of memory and language difficulties on communication
  • how to adapt the environment to minimise sensory difficulties experienced by an individual living with dementia
  • how life story information may enable or support more effective communication
  • the importance of non-verbal communication e.g. body language, visual images, and the appropriate use of touch
  • common causes of distressed behaviour by people living with dementia
  • how the behaviour of others might affect a person living with dementia
  • how dementia can impact on communication skills
  • other factors that might influence the individual’s ability to communicate
  • techniques to overcome the barriers to communication
  • how assumptions and beliefs influence effective communication


  • Dementia Care Planning & Person-centred care

Seeking 4 one-day sessions to be delivered at HCPA Mundells Campus/ Training Provider site between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • the principles of person-centred dementia care
  • insights into the experiences of the person
  • role of family and carers
  • links to advance planning and life story work
  • supporting activities of daily living
  • planning for progression
  • significance of a person’s background, culture, and experiences
  • correct and clear documentation/records
  • importance of clear goals and outcomes


  • Positive Behaviour Support in Dementia Care

Seeking 6 one-day sessions to be delivered at HCPA Mundells Campus/ Training Provider site between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • principles and values that underpin PBS including human rights.
  • reasons behaviours of concern occur.
  • proactive and reactive interventions.
  • ABC and tracking behaviour link to Hertfordshire check list
  • non dementia factors impacting behaviour such delirium
  • pharmacological and Non- Pharmacological Interventions


  • Manager Responsibilities for embedding Positive Behaviour Support in Dementia Care

Seeking 4 half-day sessions to be delivered at HCPA Mundells Campus/ Training Provider site between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • clear governance- policies, procedures, and care planning.
  • roles and responsibilities and working with external partners
  • ensuring Staff Skills and competence in:
  • principles and values that underpin PBS including human rights.
  • reasons behaviours of concern occur.
  • proactive and reactive interventions.
  • non dementia factors impacting behaviour such delirium
  • pharmacological and Non- Pharmacological Interventions
  • embedding ABC and tracking behaviour link to Hertfordshire check list


Lot 7: Health & Safety

  • Health & Safety for care staff

Seeking 3 one-day sessions to be delivered at HCPA Mundells Campus/ Training Provider site between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • common hazards
  • laws and regulations
  • personal Protective Equipment
  • safe work procedures
  • response to emergency situations
  • risk assessments


  • Health & Safety Governance

Seeking 2 half-day sessions to be delivered via Zoom between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • legal responsibilities of risk assessment.
  • the process and stages of effective risk management and embed this within their service.
  • ensure risk assessments are effective and person centred.
  • promoting a Culture of Safety
  • responding to Health and Safety Incidents


Lot 8: Diabetes

Seeking 3 one-day sessions to be delivered at HCPA Mundells Campus/ Training Provider site between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • diabetes types and risk factors
  • signs and symptoms
  • treatment and management options
  • hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia
  • links between diabetes and other conditions
  • how to work safely when monitoring individuals with diabetes
  • dietary guidelines for Diabetes
  • the different dietary needs of a diabetic service user who is overweight, underweight or at the end of life
  • the different medical treatments for diabetes


Lot 9: Neurological conditions

Seeking 3 one-day sessions to be delivered at HCPA Mundells Campus/ Training Provider site between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • overview of common neurological conditions (epilepsy, stroke, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis)
  • signs and symptoms
  • treatment and Management Options
  • supporting Individuals with Neurological Conditions
  • early Detection and Intervention


10: Record keeping & writing accurate reports

Seeking 3 one-day sessions to be delivered at HCPA Mundells Campus/ Training Provider site between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • importance of documenting necessary and factual information
  • the audit process
  • how information is recorded and confidentiality maintained.
  • roles in relation to accountability and responsibility
  • importance of clear written English


11: Basic Health Observation and Deterioration

Seeking 2 one-day sessions to be delivered at HCPA Mundells Campus/ Training Provider site between July 2024 and March 2025

Content to include:

  • different types of BHO and their purpose.
  • identifying when an individual may be deteriorating/ at risk deterioration, using Restore 2 soft signs tool
  • how to act appropriately according to care plan, may include Advance Care Plans (ACP) and Treatment Escalation Plans (TEP)
  • how to obtain a complete set of physical observations using a basic health observations
  • how to provide a concise handover to health professionals to support professional decisions using the SBARD escalation tool.
  • using the Hertfordshire escalation tool to identify appropriate healthcare professionals to discuss concerns
  • appropriate actions to take for the acutely unwell
  • staff to know how to communicate their concerns to their colleagues and outside agencies
  • staff to understand the roles of the different health services available to the people they support
  • staff to understand the importance of documenting changes in residents’ wellbeing and how to describe their concerns



This programme is dependent on trainer’s ability to deliver high level education in the topic following agreed lesson plans.


Training resources will remain the property of the applicant, however, as training sessions will be funded under HCPA, presentations will be required to display the logos of HCPA and the Care Professional Academy (slides will be provided).


Invoices are to be submitted to HCPA within 28 days of activity, and providers will be paid within 28 days of receiving the invoice.


The project is open to HCPA 2024/25 Approved External Training Providers and Assured Partners with the appropriate experience, skills, and qualifications.

To be considered, applicants need to demonstrate the following:

  • HCPA 2024/25 Approved External Training Provider status or Assured Partner status
  • Experience of working with Hertfordshire Adult Social Care Providers
  • A delivery team with appropriate and relevant subject knowledge in selected topics

Indicative Timetable

Procurement Stage/ActionDate
Issue Invitation25th April 2024
Deadline for Clarifications from applicants17th May 2024
Deadline for HCPA to respond to clarifications22nd May 2024
Submission deadline (17:00)31st May 2024
Announce outcomes3rd June 2024
Delivery of training start from1st July 2024
End of Training31st March 2025


The timescales are given in good faith as a best estimate of the time required. Although best efforts are made to ensure that these are adhered to, it may be necessary to adjust timeframes to ensure that the process is complete, thorough and equitable.


Clarification by HCPA

HCPA is under no obligation to seek clarification and it is the responsibility of applicants to ensure that their applications are unambiguous and complete, and to seek clarification, if necessary, of HCPA’s requirements. HCPA, however, reserves the right to contact applicants in order to clarify any genuine mistakes, gaps or omissions or in relation to responses to ambiguous questions, ensuring that the principle of equal treatment is adhered to at all times.

Clarification by applicants

All clarification questions must be submitted by emailing All such questions must be received by the date specified above. Questions received after the deadline may not be answered.

All Questions/Queries

Applicants should note that any information provided in the clarification of points raised by other applicants maybe circulated to all other applicants. It is important that clarifications, and all such matters are raised well in advance of the clarification deadline.

Please Note: All information provided by HCPA is given in good faith and reasonable endeavours have been used to ensure that the information given is accurate and complete. However, it is the responsibility of the applicant to satisfy themselves accordingly as HCPA will assume that applicants have sufficient information for this purpose unless notified otherwise.

Application Process

To apply for this funding, we require:

  • The application form completed via the e-form provided.
  • Applicants must upload any supporting documentation to the application form where indicated. HCPA shall only evaluate the information which has been provided within each response area. Please do not cross-reference to other forms or provide general covering letters, unless specifically requested to do so.
  • All files uploaded must contain the applicant organisation name as part of the file name and clearly indicate the contents of the file.
  • Any applicant who does not conform to any instruction within this document may be disregarded.
  • HCPA will not be responsible for, or pay the expenses or losses, incurred by any applicant in the preparation of this application. HCPA reserves the right at any time to cease the procurement process and not award the programme or only award part of it.

Submitting Applications         

To submit your application, you will need:

  • Complete the application form here
  • Applications must be completed and submitted electronically by the closing date stated above. Please ensure that you have read and understood all the necessary documentation and provided all the information requested. HCPA will not be held accountable for any errors made by an applicant.
  • Applicants are advised to ensure they allow sufficient time to submit their application prior to the closing date and time to ensure any issues with uploading the documents can be resolved before the deadline closes.
  • Documents can be uploaded one at a time. Zip folders can be uploaded where multiple documents are to be submitted.

Evaluation of Applications

Applications will be evaluated against the following evaluation criteria per lot:


Evaluation CriteriaElement Maximum Points

·       Qualifications evidence teaching/training credentials for all applicant trainers

·       CV and/or qualifications evidence subject knowledge in topic area

·       Course descriptions and learning outcomes.5
·       Attach a Lesson Plan5
Local context

·       Has experience working with Hertfordshire/Essex health and/or adult Care Providers

·       Demonstrates knowledge of local services and support networks


·       Cost breakdown (including all costs and taxes)

·       Good value for money



ScoreRatingCriteria for Awarding Score
0UnacceptableDoes not meet any requirements
1WeakFalls significantly short of meeting requirements
2PoorFalls slightly short of meeting requirements
3SatisfactorySatisfactorily meets requirements, with clear supporting evidence
4GoodSlightly exceeds requirements, bringing added value/benefit to the proposed programme
5OutstandingConsiderably exceeds requirements, bringing significant added value/benefit to the programme

                  Criteria will be scored between 0 and 5 as per above table.

Disqualification of Applications

For the avoidance of doubt, HCPA would like to highlight to applicants that if any of the following events occur, HCPA may at its absolute discretion disqualify their application submission:

  • Failure to comply with the requirements of the application process;
  • Failure to comply with any instruction contained within this Application Form, including any mandatory requirements (i.e. Pass/Fail); and
  • Failure to submit an unqualified application. Therefore, applicants must ensure that they raise any points of clarification in accordance with the deadline stated.

Please Note: The programme will be awarded on the basis of the terms and conditions issued, subject to any amendments issued by HCPA.  By submitting an application, you agree to these Terms and Conditions.

The results will not be announced publicly, you will be informed individually of the result of your application.