There are many different types of these plans, you may know them more commonly as crisis plans, or WRAP. These are just a couple of examples. These are plans made with the individual, or even by the individual to act as a type of “mental wellbeing roadmap” specific to them.

Think of your own mental health as a life-long journey rather than a destination, a WRAP or crisis plan will have information on what things you need to know about and do for yourself to make your journey as successful as possible. It’s a daily roadmap that could detail what you should avoid, things you should do, warning signs or “triggers”, what does a good journey look like or what a bad journey looks like to you or others and who is there for support.

The beauty of these plans is they are for everyone! You don’t need even need a formal diagnosis of anything to use one to feel it’s benefits as it focuses on life experiences, strengths, and goals, not diagnoses, illnesses, or deficits. In this way, they are very much in keeping with Connected Lives principles.

These types of plans can be particularly effective when used in conjunction with a care plan for a person who accesses services. Your organisation may want to consider, for best practice, encouraging everyone you support to develop a plan and share some or all of it with important people involved in their care. Think of it this way, life is busy and things come along that distract us, but if I know what your road map looks like I can help you to navigate on your journey and keep you on track, however plans don’t have to be shared.

For more information and example templates, please click the following links to find out more:


Crisis Master (

Wellness Recovery Action Plan (