A one-page profile is a simple summary of what is important to the individual and how they want to be supported. This should also link to any special dietary requirements or events / days of specific cultural or religious significance. This form is to be filled by the Care supervisor or Registered Manager during the assessment of the person, and form part of the care and support plan. It should consider personal relationships, any equality and diversity adjustments that may need to be made, and link back to the person’s goals. The contents that should be included in the one-page profile are:

  • Photo
  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Address
  • Next of kin
  • Key worker (Support the individual and their family to understand the role of a key worker)
  • GP surgery
  • Dentist
  • Pharmacy
  • NHS number     
  • Equipment services
  • Access to the client home
  • DNACPR (or equivalent) in place Y/N – where is it located? Make sure all care staff and professionals are aware
  • Allergies (including medication allergies)
  • Dietary requirements
  • Advance care and support plan in place? Please state where this would be found.
  • Is there a treatment escalation plan (TEP), ideally this should go in front of the care and support plan.
  • Is there a purple folder for the individual? Please state where this can be found.
  • Is there a Positive Behaviour form & Crisis Management plan? If yes, please state where this would be found.
  • Other

Details of Care & Support Needs

This section defines what care and support the person desires and needs. It should break down the times of the visits and detail what the person needs to be supported with during those time slots. The guidance in this section needs to be person centred and reflect their individual choices e.g.,

  • Claire likes to eat breakfast sitting in her armchair.
  • Mark would like to be offered a choice of activities to fill his day.

Assessment and the record of care and support required for the individual:

AM: / Lunch: / Tea-time: / PM: / Night time:

Background Information – Getting to Know Me

In this section all past and present background information should be gathered to give a good overview of the individual. Areas to include are history, work history, family and significant people, hobbies and interests. You may wish to capture information such as if the person was in the armed forces, or if they have experienced associated trauma, if there are any significant dates that are important to them such as: Victory in Europe, Victory in Japan or Armistice Day, or any that are of cultural significance to them?  It is good practice to use a ‘This is me formto get to know the person even better.