Mobility is the ability of the person to move around in their environment, including walking, standing up from a chair and sitting down from standing.  This section can be used to provide clear guidance on the individuals strengths and weaknesses and the specific support they require for their mobility. 

  • What are the concerns/ issues with mobility?  
  • What equipment does the individual use?  
  • What support do they need with their mobility? 

Ensure you include how somebody can practice mobility with staff, how far can they mobilise? Does improving mobility align with their goals? Are goals set to support the individual to improve mobility. Ensure that rather than the individual just maintaining mobility, there are also actions documented on how to improve mobility, if applicable.  

Falls – A falls risk assessments must be carried out to ensure there are prevention strategies put in place. The risks identified in the risk assessment should be carried over to the care plan so suitable interventions can be documented. Please ensure that this also triangulates to other parts of the care plan including mobility, nutrition, continence, functional ability, wellbeing, referrals from other professionals, diagnosed health conditions and medication if relates to an individual’s falls risk.  

Hertfordshire has a falls pathway for providers to follow which will guide them on what to reduce the risk of falls, and what to do post falls. This information can be found here  

It is recommended that providers use a Multifactorial Risk Assessment. According to NICE guidance, there are over 400 risk factors associated with falling, and the risk of falling appears to increase with the number of risk factors. A multifactorial falls risk assessment allows interventions to be targeted at a person’s specific risk factors to help prevent future falls. 

My Mobility Care and Support Plan

Please use the information above to create a detailed plan that details how the individual is to be supported and assisted with their mobility. If cared for in bed, please specify the times of day that support is required, such as am/ lunch/teatime/ pm. Please add if there have been any referrals made due to falls or mobility issues. It is also good practice to take photos of the specific equipment used and a to create a log of checks and audits e.g. slings are not frayed or broken.

Click here for the multifactorial risk assessment

Click here for the multifactorial risk assessment form

Support to Access the Community

Use this section to state what mobility support the individual would like in order to access their community.

My Desired Outcomes for Mobility

In this section, please highlight the individuals desired goals in relation to their mobility e.g., ‘I would like to walk to the bathroom unassisted’. Please detail how this goal will be met, what/who needs to be involved and timeframe.

Please add any professionals (GP, physio therapist, OT) that are involved. Please add the service date for the equipment. If there are bed rails, please complete consent form/ MCA/ DOLs, BI as needed, plus relevant risk assessments.