This section should provide information on the individuals current medication and any support that they need from their care professionals. If they do not require support from the care professional but are taking medication, details of what medication is being taken should still be included here together with information about the family supporting them and being responsible for reordering prescriptions. If the individual administers and manages their own medication independently, this should be stated here. It is good practice to provide details of relevant / possible side effects. If there is any PRN medication in place, include clear guidance around when it should be administered. Inclusion of the below will help to capture key information. This must be kept up to date and triangulate with the MAR or E-Mar.

Click here to visit the HCPA Medication page to review guidance and policies based on your type of service.

E.g., Support required: Please highlight the level of support required from the list below:

  • No medication required
  • No support required/ able to self-medicate
  • Level 0 = reminder to take medication (verbal prompts by phone/ in person)
  • Level 1 = general support/ assisting with medication
  • Level 2 = Administering medication
  • Level 3 = Administering medication by specialist techniques (need to consider any equipment needed for this)

For detailed guidance on each level refer to the link above.

Other things to consider:

  • Recording medication
  • Collecting my medication
  • Storing my medication
  • Ordering my medication
  • Other

My Medication Care And Support Plan

Please use the information above to create a detailed plan that details how the person is to be supported and assisted with their medication. Please specify the time of the day and the support required during that period.





My Desired Outcomes for Medication

In this section, please highlight the individuals desired goals in relation to their medication e.g., ‘I would like to be able get take my medication by myself’ or if someone has diabetes their goal could be to ‘have a healthier diet and improve my health’. Please detail how this goal will be met and what/who needs to be involved.