Facebook Portal

The Facebook portal is a smart video calling device. Smart sound enhances the voice, so background noise is minimised, producing a great quality video call. Calling family and friends is easy through Facebook or WhatsApp calling. If you are a service provider, the portal requires you to set up a Facebook page for your calls and add the family and friends of the people you support.

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See below for a Facebook Portal case study of 2 sisters purchasing a portal for their Dad who lives in a Care Home:

During the Coronavirus lockdown 2 sisters got their Dad a Facebook portal so they can keep in contact during isolation. Their Dad lives in a care home and struggles using his iPad and mobile phone. Facetime was proving to difficult to use due to finding it too difficult to operate. Their Dad has said that he really enjoys using the Portal and it is as good as having a visit. It has been easy to set up which staff at the care home can help with. Having the Portal has proven to be crucial during lockdown, by having this technology can help reduce isolation and loneliness, especially during a time with such uncertainty.


KOMP is a one button computer perfect for people who do not have experience in using technology.

The whole family can easily connect to the device through an app and send photos, messages and make video calls. A problem that we are facing is that technology is difficult to get used to, it is proving to be important to prevent loneliness and social isolation since COVID-19, and so it is difficult to reach out to those who do not want to use technology. This one button device has a high contrast screen and clear audio, making it easy to see and hear family.

» Find out more here

Photo credit: www.noisolation.com/komp/


Artificial intelligence tools that can improves early diagnosis for vulnerable patients.

The platform connects to a wide range of point-of-care devices such as wearables and digital stethoscopes. The platform has regular health monitoring for chronic and acute conditions. Essential information collected from the community can reduce the demand of GP appointments and help promote and enable independent living. Feebris are working closely to optimise the platform for self-care, monitoring chronic conditions, early identification of acute episodes and mange frailty.

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VideoVisit is a remote care platform that has all the tools for social and health care service providers to offer care out of hospitals. VideoVisit home is targeted towards those living independently at home. The client at home receives a tablet which is on constantly for 24/7 monitoring. It isn’t aimed to replace home care but can support caregivers by replacing lighter home care visits – allowing more time to those who require more physical care.

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