Please use this section to discuss how the person would like to access their community. Use the checklist below to prompt discussion and decide how much support is needed, if any.

All plans should support Connected Lives outcomes.

This section will vary greatly depending on the condition, level of need and care setting on the individual.

Support required:

  • Do not need any support
  • Need some support
  • Verbal prompt
  • Need full support
  • Need equipment
  • I do not use/need that

Please highlight the support required from the list below.

  • Accessing community services and facilities
  • Access to religious festivals / observance of holy days / prayer time
  • Days of significance such as Pride
  • Using public transport
  • Walking to places
  • Awareness of road safety
  • Attending events
  • Visiting friends and family
  • Getting a transport for myself
  • Using stairs
  • Have good directions skills
  • Other

My Community Access and Activity Support Plan

Please use the information above to create a detailed plan that requires the individual to be supported with their community access.  Please specify the days and times and who would carry out this task (family, support workers, friends etc.). Please add if they access any community services and facility the day and times when this would happen and how often and by whom would they be supported by. Please add what type of activities the individual is participating daily/weekly.

My Desired Outcomes for Community Access

In this section, please highlight the person’s desired goals in relation to them accessing the community e.g., ‘I would like to be able to go to church on a Sunday and have a care professional or family member assist me’. Or ‘On a Wednesday I would like my care professional to attend one hour earlier to ensure I am ready in time to attend’. Please detail how this goal will be met and what/who needs to be involved.

My Engagement/ In-house Activity Support Plan

Use this section to state what engagement activities the person would like to engage in.  Please list the types of activities and engagement opportunities that are offered in the care home and include those for people who are cared for in bed as well as any group or 1-1 activities.

My Desired Outcomes for In-house Activities

In this section, please highlight the person’s desired goals in relation to their activities and engagement opportunities e.g., I would like to join in with the Chair-based Exercise class twice a week’.  Please detail how this goal will be met and what/who needs to be involved.