This case study appeared in the National Social Care Action Plan.

“Provider Hubs Hertfordshire County Council has rapidly set up a ‘provider hub’ to support its near 800 social care providers.

The Hub is jointly run by Hertfordshire County Council and Hertfordshire Care Providers Association to provide professional advice and support to all care organisations working in the frontline in the fight against COVID-19. The helpline is staffed 7 days a week and provides information on government guidance, PPE, food supplies, staff issues and links back to the commissioning teams for support and to access the financial support packets made available by the council.

The Hub is also the central point for collecting and providing key information and data for the adult social care board. Ensuring good oversight on how care providers are coping, operational issues that the council and care provider association can respond to as well as details around confirmed cases, outbreaks and deaths to allow for targeted and speedy responses alongside public health partners. The Hub also supports the many direct payment holders who can contact directly to get advice about their direct payments and the flexibility the council can support them with. In addition, the Hub will support with the same issues as it does for providers including PPE.

The Hub works closely with local health systems ensuring good communication and joint responses to support providers within the county. There is also an agreed approach to mutual aid and support that the hub oversees and helps to facilitate.”

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