Auditing enables your service to understand where there could be gaps and identify additional training and support staff may need. It ensures high quality care that is safe and effective is given as well as showing that your service is responsive and proactive in the management of IPC/PPE. By identifying areas/practices that are found to be not adhering to current guidance your service could prevent a potential outbreak.

Regular audits to monitor adherence to IPC and PPE should include:

  • Appropriate selection
  • Donning
  • Doffing
  • Hand hygiene
  • Environmental contamination
  • Evaluation of appropriate supplies and equipment
  • Proximity of supplies to point of use

Aggregate data can be provided to identify opportunities for improvement.

Click here for the PPE donning and doffing audit tool

Hand Hygiene Audit Tool

This audit tool can be used as a rolling programme of audit of compliance with your Hand hygiene Policy. Please ensure that all staff should are assessed for hand hygiene technique on at least an annual basis, suggest to complete 25% of staff monthly.

» Click here to download