A new safeguarding service is coming to Hertfordshire
As part of our HCPA Alliance work, our board and staff team have worked closely with Adult Care Services in Hertfordshire to consider some inconsistencies in safeguarding compliance practice. We are pleased that there is now to be a centralised safeguarding team who will deal with all safeguarding reviews and meetings.
We are hopeful that, once embedded, this will give our members a better service which is consistent in approach. We would of course, always be available to support anyone with any queries around safeguarding on a one to one level and we would also like to hear from you what your experiences are of the new team by leaving us some feedback. Please see below the statement from Hertfordshire Adult Care Service.
The new Hertfordshire Safeguarding Adults Service has been developed in partnership with HPFT. Our joint vision is for a robust and fit for purpose Adult Safeguarding arrangement across Hertfordshire.
The service will focus on building strong relationships with citizens and their partners, with the principles of Making Safeguarding Personal at the heart of the teams, whilst achieving the following goals:
- More efficient and timely safeguarding practice
- Free up operational teams to fully implement Connected Lives and to focus on other work such as prevention
- More consistent and robust approach to decision-making
- A skilled workforce producing high quality safeguarding practice
There will be a team of specialist professionals on each side of the County, East & West, which will go live on 29th April 2019. However, in the short term, safeguarding concerns raised for people with a primary need relating to their mental health will continue to be managed by HPFT. This decision has been made to allow time for recruitment to specific HPFT posts within the new joint service.
In the initial phase of the new teams going live, please continue to refer to HPFT in the same way as usual.
» This FAQs document has been put together for anyone who may have questions about the new service.
If you have any other queries in the meantime, please contact: linda.morrison@hertfordshire.gov.uk.