Source: HCC

Following on from the ruling of the Employment Appeal Tribunal in April 2017 that the National Minimum Wage (NMW) requirements also apply to sleep-in support, and after a period of review and consultation, HCC will now fund sleep-ins in the following way:

  • The NMW rate plus NI and pension contribution per sleep-in hour will be paid in the future.
  • HCC will make contact with all providers who have raised concerns about this issue in this financial year and we will come to an agreed settlement.
  • The NMW rate plus NI and pension contribution per sleep-in hour will be offered to contracted services in Hertfordshire that contact HCC on and after 1st April 2018.
  • NMW rate plus NI and pension contribution per sleep-in hour backdated to 26th July 2017 will be applied to all sleep-ins funded via Direct Payments.
  • The NMW rate plus NI and pension contribution per sleep-in hour will be applied to all new services in Hertfordshire going forward (until a new Supported Living framework has agreed future prices and rates). ACS agreement for rates for all new services is still required.
  • For services provided outside of Hertfordshire we will require information about sleep-in payment agreements with the local authority of that region to negotiate sleep-in funds going forward.

A wider review of sleep-in support will be launched in the new financial year to explore most effective use of night support and opportunities offered via assistive technology.

To read the full notice shared with HCPA from HCC regarding this topic please view the document below.
For further information regarding this please contact HCC’s Deputy Head of Service, Nadine Raenke via

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